The scientific program will cover all aspects of mass spectrometry from fundamentals and instrumentation through to applied chemical, environmental, health, earth, forensic and biological sciences.
The coffee breaks and poster sessions will take place in the exhibition hall at the Grand Carimã Resort, providing ample opportunities for sponsors and exhibitors to engage with delegates and participants.
During the event, participants will be allowed to explore the company stands, where sponsors and exhibitors can highlight their latest innovations through technical presentations, product launches and Q&A sessions with their team. This setup ensures a dynamic and interactive environment for all involved.
December 8th
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Check-in and badge pickup |
8:00 am - 4:30 pm | Short Courses and User's Meeting More information |
5:00 pm | Opening Ceremony - Grand Ball room |
5:30 pm | Opening Lecture 1: Imaging mass spectrometry in spatial biology: from cells to tissue Ron Heeren | Maastricht Multimodal Molecular Imaging Institute – NLD Grand Ball room |
6:15 pm | Opening Lecture 2: Development of New Asymmetric Catalysts by Online ESI-MS Screening and MS Applications Leonardo S. Santos l Talca University - CHI Grand Ball room |
7:00 pm | Opening Lecture 3: Proteomics of Fungal Disease in One Health Jennifer Geddes-McAlister l University of Guelph – CA Grand Ball room |
7:45 pm | Riveros Medal Award Ceremony Grand Ball room |
8:15 pm | Opening Cocktail |
December 9th
9:00 am | Plenary Lecture 4: Development of Unknown Compounds Analysis Method combining High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Soft lonization Technique, and Al Technology Bryan Katzenmeyer, PhD l Jeol Ltd - USA Grand Ball room |
9:30 am | Plenary Lecture 5: Ambient Mass Spectrometry in food authentication: from proof of concept studies to standardized routine analysis Alessandra Tata | Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Delle Venezie – ITA Grand Ball room |
10:10 am - 12:10 pm | 3 Parallel sessions: Petroleomics, toxicology and Metabolomics in Biomedical Applications More information |
12:10 pm - 2:00 pm | Lunch/workshops sponsors |
2:00 pm | Plenary lecture 6: Proteomics of Fungal Disease in One Health Jennifer Geddes-McAlister l University of Guelph – CA Grand Ball room |
2:30 pm | Plenary lecture 7: Development of new mass spectrometry based methods for large cohort studies to understand the complexity of novel conjugation in humans Alex Dickens l University of Turku, FI Grand Ball room |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Poster session 1 / Coffee Break Rinascere Hall |
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm | 3 Parallel sessions: a- MS Proteomic, Ambient and Enviromental MS, Veterinary Drug Residues in Food More information |
7:00 pm - 10 pm | Hospitality Suites Rinascere Hall |
December 10th
9:00 am | Plenary Lecture 8: Mass spectrometry in the studies of disinfection by-products during drinking water preparation Albert Lebedev | Shenzhen MSU-BIT University - CN Grand Ball room |
9:30 am | Plenary Lecture 9: Turning Out Insights from Complex (Bio)(Geo)chemical Systems Through Mass Spectrometry Boniek Gontijo | Federal University of Goias – BRA Grand Ball room |
10:10 am - 12:10 pm | 3 Parallel sessions: Advancing clinical practices using metabolomics, MS in Reaction Mechanism and Chemical Monitoring, OMICs MS Applications More information |
12:10 pm - 2:00 pm | Lunch/workshops sponsors |
2:00 pm | Plenary lecture 10: Comprehensive Steroid Analysis by GCxGC-High Resolution TOFMS Slava Artaev | LECO - USA Grand Ball room |
2:30 pm | Plenary lecture 11: Analytical Strategies for the Screening of Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods Alejandra Rodriguez l University of the Republic, UY Grand Ball room |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | Poster session 2 / Coffee Break Rinascere Hall |
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm | 4 Parallel sessions: Food MS, Conventional and multidimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, Forensic MS More information |
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm | Free Night - Enjoy it !! |
December 11th
9:00 am | Plenary Lecture 12: AP/MALDI MS Imaging of histological sections of (human) FFPE material from tissue banked archives: more than expected! Peter Verhaert l ProteoFormix - BE Grand Ball room |
9:30 am | Plenary Lecture 13: Unlocking Productivity with Mass Spectrometry in Clinical Diagnostics Karina Cardozo l Fleury Group - BRA Grand Ball room |
10:10 am - 12:10 am | 3 Parallel sessions: Forensic MS, instrumentation, more soon More information |
12:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Iguaçu Falls Tour |
5:00 pm | Closing Lecture: 10-Second Lipidomic Analysis with Picosecond Infrared Laser Mass Spectrometry to Diagnose Brain Cancer Types Arash Zarrine-Afsar | University of Toronto - CA Grand Ball room |
5:45 pm | Closing Ceremony Grand Ball room |
6:00 pm | BrMASS Assembly Grand Ball room |
7:30 pm - 11 pm | Final Dinner & Theme Party Dress Code: Smart Casual |
Short Courses
This course requires prior registration.
December 8th
Short Course: Fundamentals of Mass Spectrometry (Grand Ball room) | |
8:00 am - 8:30 am | History of Mass Spectrometry Marcos N. Eberlin |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Major Mass Analyzers : Principles and Characteristics (EBE, QqQ, Ion Traps 3D/Linear, TOF, FTMS, Orbitrap) Rodinei Augusti |
10:00 am - 10:15 am | Coffee Break |
10:15 am - 12:00 pm | Major Ionization Techniques (EI, MALDI, APCI, APPI and ESI) Marcos N. Eberlin |
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm | Lunch Break |
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm | Interpretation of Mass Spectra (Isotopic Patterns, Exact Mass, Major, Logical losses, major dissociation routes, ionized molecules, protonated molecules) Marcos N. Eberlin |
3:00 pm - 3:15 pm | Coffee Break |
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm | Resolution and Mass Accuracy (Definition, Analyzers and their resolutions and Mass accuracies, uses) Rodinei Augusti |
User´s Meeting
These lectures will be presented in Portuguese and prior registration is required to participate.
Please register!
December 8th
Sciex ( Ferrara II room) | ||
8:45 am - Abertura Registre aqui | ||
9:00 am - SCIEX did it again! More robust, friendly and faster. Let’s talk about Triple Quad 7500+ System Douglas de Andrade, Ph.D | Field Application Specialist SCIEX | ||
9:30 am - Determinação de compostos agroquímicos em matrizes biológicas Fábio Cal Sabino, Ph. D | Pesquisador Analítico Adama | ||
10:00 am - From Industry to Tap: Quantifying PFAS in drinking water Pierre Picard, Ph.D | Vice-President R&D Phytronix Coffee break | ||
11:15 am - High Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Comprehensive targeted and untargeted Lipidomics: Clinical Applications and Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles Carlos Arterio Sorgi, Ph.D | Professor Associado, Departamento de Química, USP Ribeirão Preto | ||
12:00 pm - Advanced techniques for data acquisition and processing: Troubleshooting the ion source Douglas de Andrade, Ph.D | Field Application Specialist SCIEX | ||
Agilent (Ferrara I room) | Thermo Fisher Scientific/Nova Analítica (Ferrara II room) | Shimadzu (Ferrara III room) |
1:00 pm - Credenciamento e retirar de welcome kit Registre aqui | 2:00 pm - Welcome Luiz Bravo / Fabio NascimentoRegistre aqui | 1:00 pm - Credenciamento e retirada de kit de boas-vindas Registre aqui |
1:15 pm - Como e quando selecionar preparo de amostra para Espectrometria de Massas Andrea Rezemini | 2:10 pm - Orbitrap Hybrids Evolution and Advancements for Small and Large Molecules Maciej Bromirski | 1:15 pm - Boas-vindas |
1:45 pm - Conceitos básicos de espectrometria de massas acoplado a cromatografia líquida Single Quad, Triplo Quad, ToF, QToF até mobilidade iônica Jose Xavier | 2:35 pm - Mass Spectrometry solutions in Analytical Toxicology Edward Goucher | 1:25 pm - Venômica: Proteômica, peptidômica e metabolômica aplicadas à Toxinologia Daniel Carvalho Pimenta |
2:30 pm - Conceitos básicos de espectrometria de massas acoplado a cromatografia gasosa Single Quad, Triplo Quad, QToF Celso Blatt | 3:00 pm - Low resolution MS applied in Omics Sciences Wanderson Romão | 2:15 pm - Análise Quantitativa Ultrarrápida com LDTD: A Experiência do Fleury Karina Cardozo |
3:10 pm - Inovações em LC-MS e suas ferramentas para aplicações: Ambiental, Alimentos, Farma, Forense e Ômicas Simone Nascimento | 3:25 pm - Untargeted analysis using GC-HRMS and chemometrics for food authentication Leandro Wang Hantao | 3:00 pm - Aplicações da Espectrometria de Massas nas Ciências da Saúde Tiago Franco de Oliveira |
3:50 pm - Inovações em GC-MS e suas ferramentas para aplicações: Ambiental, Alimentos, Farma e Forense Celso Blatt | 3:50 pm - Astral Technology for High Throughput High Resolution Mass Analysis Eduardo Schmidt | 3:50 pm - Causa da morte? Espectrometria de massas na investigação forense Jose Luiz da Costa |
Parallel Sessions
December 9th
Morning Sessions
M01 - Petroleomics (Ferrara I room) | M02 - Toxicology (Ferrara II room) | M03 - Metabolomics in Biomedical Applications (Ferrara III room) | |
10:10 am - 10:40 am | Investigating unusual biomarkers present in immature sedimentary rocks revealed by GCxGC-TOFMS and the role of mass spectra interpretation in geochemical analyses Vinicius Barreto, BRA | Cytotoxicity Analysis of Psychoactive Substances Using Mass Spectrometry Tiago Franco de Oliveira, BRA | 10:10 am - 10:30 am Metabolomics with Q-Orbitrap and Q-Linear Ion Trap – New Solutions for Targeted and Untargeted Analysis Caroline Jaegger, BRA |
10:40 am - 11:10 am | Application of APPI(+) and ESI(±) FT-ICR MS to reveal geochemical information of Brazilian crude oils and spilled oils Laercio Lopes Martins, BRA | Detecting New Psychoactive Substances in Brazil by MS José Luiz da Costa, BRA | 10:30 am - 11:00 am amUnlocking metabolomics frontiers with Ion Mobility LC/Q-TOF: a journey into molecular world Mauricio Marques, BRA 11:00 am - 11:30 am Metabolomics as a tool for responsive nutrition: health implications of plant-based proteins Samira Prado, SE |
11:10 am - 11:40 am | Advanced Data Analysis and Visualization Techniques in Petroleomics for the Comparison and Differentiation of Crude Oils Pedro Gabriel Lucena, BRA | Understanding the metabolism of New Psychoactive Substances: combining in vitro and in vivo studies with mass spectrometry Alexandre Barcia de Godoi, BRA | 11:30 am - 12:00 pm From Farm to Fork, and Beyond! Mass Spectrometry-Based (Bio)analytical Workflows to Explore the Fate of Plant Metabolites During Digestion and Their Biological Functionality Victor Castro, SE |
11:40 am - 12:10 pm | How can chemometrics assist geochemical interpretation using MS-based techniques? Victor Gustavo, BRA | Novel ionization technique: A powerful tool for xenobiotic identification in Toxicology Rodrigo Ossamu Saga Kitamura, BRA | 12:00 pm - 12:20 pm Drug-naïve multigroup differentiation of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia patients using machine learning applied to metabolomics data Henrique Caracho, BRA |
Lunch/Workshops Sponsors
Lunch Workshop - Leco (Ferrara I room) | Lunch Workshop Shimadzu (Ferrara II room) | Lunch Workshop Bruker (Ferrara III room) |
12:10 pm - Folded Flight Path HRTOFMS with Multi-Modal Source coupled to GCxGC for Comprehensive Nontargeted Screening of Micro- and Nanoplastics and POPs in Environmental Samples - Slava Artaev Subscribe here | 12:10 pm - Mass spectrometry and proteomics in bioprospecting using Shimadzu Technology. Marcos A. Pudenzi and Daniel Pimenta subscribe here | From qualitative to validated quantitative chromatography free analysis - François Espourteille Food & Environmental high-resolution thorough analysis - Marc Chalom 4D SpatialOmX for biomarker Discovery- Begoña Lopez |
Afternoon Sessions
M04 - Proteomics (Ferrara I room) | M05 - Ambient and Enviromental MS (Ferrara II room) | M06 - Veterinary Drug Residues in Food (Ferrara III room) | |
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Using Discovery and Targeted Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics and Peptidomics to Track Mutations and Identify New Bioactive Peptides in Snake Venoms Alexandre K. Tashima, BRA | A method for microplastic quantitations in estuarine sediment using PY-GC/MS Oscar Vega Bustillos, BRA | Determination of multiclass antimicrobial residues in milk Sergio Henrique Monteiro, BRA |
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm | Mass spectrometry in basic and applied Biology Carlos Alberto Labate, BRA | Sandpaper mass spectrometry: a novel ambient ionization technique applicable to the analysis of polishable surfaces Rodinei Augusti, BRA | Comparison of two clean-up methodologies for multi-residues of Antibiotics and Insecticides in honey: SPE type HLB vs QuEChERS Citrate Sonia Oliva, ARG |
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm | Unlocking the Salivary Proteome: 4D-DIA Proteomics Insights into SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant Infections Iasmim Lopes de Lima, BRA | Volatile biogenic compounds and emerging contaminants Elena Stashenko, COL | Insights in Ongoing International Veterinary Drug Residue Collaborative Study by means of various HPLC-(LR/HR)-MS(/MS) instrumentations Eric Verdon, FRA |
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Assessing Immunological Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: A Proteomic Analysis of Antibodies and Cellular Changes Jackelinne Yuka Hayashi, BRA | The Lifecycle of Forever Chemicals: The Analytical Pathway for Monitoring the Impacts of PFAS Jane Finzi, BRA | Veterinary Drug Residues Methods for Screening, Identification and Quantification Alejandra Rodriguez, UY |
December 10th
Morning Sessions
T01 - Advancing clinical practices using metabolomics (Ferrara I room) | T02 - MS in Reaction Mechanism and Chemical Monitoring (Ferrara II room) | T03 - OMICs MS Applications (Ferrara III room) | |
10:10 am - 10:40 am | Enhancing Clinical Practice Through Metabolomics: Transforming Signals into Valuable Clinical Insights Andreia Porcari, BRA | Understanding Polymer Formation using Ion Mobility and Ion Spectroscopy Thiago Correra, BRA | Multiple applications of MS-based metabolomics on medicinal plant studies Alexandra Sawaya, BRA |
10:40 am - 11:10 am | Quantifying Alzeimer´s Disease Biomakers with DESI-MS: A Journey from High-Dimensional Data to Simplified Approaches Lanaia Ítala Louzeiro Maciel, BRA | Mechanistic Insights into Multicomponent Reactions via MS Analysis Brenno A. Neto, BRA | Metabolomics and lipidomics of rare diseases Priscilla Matos, BRA |
11:10 am - 11:40 am | Metabolomics in Neuropsychiatry: Advancing Disease Differentiation and Biomarker Discovery Alessandra Sussulini, BRA | Development of New Asymmetric Catalysts by Online ESI-MS Screening Leonardo Silva Santos, CHI | From Microcosm to Macrocosm, from Sportomics to Translational Medicine Luiz Cláudio Cameron, CA |
11:40 am - 12:10 pm | Cardiovascular disease: a target metabolomic approaches Aline Klassen, BRA | Helium Nanodroplets Spectroscopy of Mass Selected Ions: Probing the Aminopalladation Step Guilherme Obeid, BRA | Mass Spectrometry guides the identification of disease-resistant cocoa Fábio Santos, BRA |
Lunch/Workshops Sponsors
Lunch workshop - Waters (Ferrara III room) | Lunch Workshop Nova Analítica / Thermo Scientific (Ferrara II room) | more information soon |
12:10 pm - Opening sign up here | 12:10pm - Recent Advances of Thermo Fisher Scientific Mass Spectrometry Based Proteomics Luiz Fernando A. Santos, Dr - Thermo Scientific Sing up here | more information soon |
12:15 pm - Celebration of Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry - 20 years of advance Profa. Andreia Porcari - USF | 12:35 pm - Thermo Scientific™ Stellar™ Mass Spectrometer – The Excellence of Quadrupole - Ion Trap systems Júlio Cesar Cardoso, Dr - Nova Analítica | |
13:00 pm - The high throughput in metabolomics: a new way to explore omics in an agile world Dr. Samuel Kaiser - BAT Brazil | 13:00 pm - Beyond Nitrosamines: Analytical Strategies for the Determination of Known and Unknown Pharmaceutical Impurities Taís R. Fiorentin, Dr - Thermo Scientific | |
13:40 pm - Quick talk on Mass Spectrometry tools for OMICS Dra. Mariana Fioramonte - Waters | 13:25 pm - How to save more than 70% of Helium while maintaining the same analysis in GC/MS Angela C. De Pietro, PhD - Nova Analítica |
Afternoon Sessions
T04 - Food MS (Ferrara I room) | T05 - Conventional and multidimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (Ferrara II room) | T06 - Forensic MS (Ferrara III room) | |
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Residues and contaminants in food and biological samples: Recent advances Renato Zanella, BRA. | Untargeted analysis using GCxGC-HRMS and chemometrics Leandro Wang Hantao, BRA | What Can Mass Spectrometry Reveal About K-Drugs? Exploring Analytical Approaches for Forensic Identification Jose Luiz Costa, BRA |
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm | Evaluation of the presence of zearalenone and zeranol residues from bovines subjected to a pharmacological treatment Vanessa Santos, BRA | Are we exploring the separation speed of our multi-instrumental methods? Carin von Mühlen, BRA | Breaking Boundaries: Advancing Forensic Analysis with Miniature Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry Oscar G. Cabrices, EUA |
5:30 pm - 6:00 pm | Advances in Mass Spectrometry for Non-targeted Analyses: Promoting Food Quality and Safety Guilherme Sabin, BRA | Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry Zenilda Cardeal, BRA | From Postmortem Samples to Psychoactive Detection: Practical Mass Spectrometry Techniques and Insight Thiago Franco de Oliveira, BRA |
6:00 pm - 6:30 pm | Challenges and Solutions in Pesticide Residue Regulatory Studies Paulo Barci, BRA | Chemical characterization of pyrolytic bio-oil from lignocellulosic biomass residues using GCxGC-HRMS Anna Couto, BRA | Ambient Analysis by Venturi Ambient Laser Ablation Electrospray Ionization Coupled to a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer Clecio Fernando Klitzke, BRA |
December 11th
Morning Sessions
W01 - Clinical and Medical Applications of Mass Spectrometry (Ferrara I room) | W02 - Advances in Instrumentation (Ferrara II room) | W03 - Biomass, biorefining and bioproducts (Ferrara III room) | |
10:10 am - 10:40 am | Unraveling the Proteomic Impact of Snake Venom on Cancer Cell Lines and Mouse Tissues Leo Kei Iwai, BRA | The latest solutions for water quality and environmental safety with the TriPlus EQuan 850 system and Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer Maciej Bromirski, POL | Mass spectrometry as a tool (also) in biomass and biofuels research: possibilities and challenges with lignocellulosic biomass and their pyrolysis bio-oils Paola de Azevedo Mello, BRA |
10:40 am - 11:10 am | Integrating DESI-MS Imaging and Spatial Transcriptomics on the Same Cancer Tissues to Detect Gene-Metabolite Correlations Trevor Godfrey, USA | Use of hydrogen as a carrier gas in GC/MS, advantages and disadvantages Celso Blatt, BRA | From biofuels to biodefensive: applications of Mass Spectrometry in development of products obtained from renewable raw materials Maria Isabel Alves, BRA |
11:10 am - 11:40 am | Adapting the MasSpec Pen for Minimally Invasive Mouth Cancer Screening Charlie Wolfe, USA | Xevo MRT: Explore the Performance and Speed without Compromise Mariana Fioramonte, BRA | Bio-oilomics: understanding the chemistry of thermochemical biomass products Alberto Wisniewski, BRA |
11:40 am - 12:10 pm | Data Processing and Statistical Classification for Clinical Data obtained with the MasSpec Pen technology Faith Jackobs, USA | H2 x He in Gas Chromatography: differences & benefits Tiago Schena, BRA | Analytical challenge of quantifying bio-oil co-processing products by ESI-HRMS Raquel Vieira, BRA |